Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Day for Dogs and Wiener Races

I love my alarm clock...this year, (different from last year) I got my sock legs out of bed and saw them! Choke Dachshunds in the wiener races and 'wow lau lau', for little guys they go! The crowd loved it, there was alot of cheering, laughing and clapping, and then there was a winner - Winston! He was most lightning.

I made alot of new dachshund friends too, and saw some old friends like lovely Hokulani, she's always the furry fashionista in spiffy outfits, doggles and coordinated accessories. Wow, 'coordinated accessories' that is one long word for Ahi Dog!

The doggie pools were out in full force and the canine games were on! Hot dog dunking(?), 'on'; doggie agility course(?), 'you go Boo'; doggie maze(?), 'shakas' Shiba Inu Hawaii! I tell you, what a day! Then, while having me a bit of quiet time on the lawn, (my furry neighbor) sniff, sniff,...and whomp! Yelp, I am in his mouth...ooowee, everything is most blurry! Luckily his mom was there to rescue me and save me from missing sock limbs. As you can see in the photo taken just before, I would be in sock dog hospital if it weren't for her. 'Shakas Mom!'

A big paws up mahalo to the Hawaiian Humane Society and Hawaii Wiener Derby for a good fun Canine Game Day!
It's always a good day when you have your sock paws! 'Shakas', Ahi

1 comment:

  1. That's my dog Kian! I have pictures of him ducking under the bar, but none of him jumping over. Thanks!!
